Enhancing Curtin University’s admissions process through automated email campaigns and smart integration

In this case study, we examine the collaboration between our team and Curtin University to improve their admissions process through the implementation of automated email campaigns.

The aim was to prompt applicants to complete their applications, take necessary actions, and accept their offers when eligible and to address previous manual processes involved multiple platforms, leading to inefficiencies and confusion among applicants.

To address this, we developed automated workflows in Marketo for both domestic and international applicants, covering various stages of the application process. Additionally, we revamped and developed email templates to ensure consistency with the university’s brand guidelines.


Of all acceped offers influenced by this program.


Strong click rate.


High email open rate.

The Team

Rosie Brown | Account Manager
MCoy Aguirre | Project Manager
Sam Gossage, Owen Taffinder, Frances Lim | Strategy, Email/Campaign Development
Camille Tabagan | Email Template Development
Gemma Lawrence | Senior Copywriter
Chris Laver | QA

What were the challenges?

The Social Garden team, led by Account Manager Orla Moffatt, worked alongside the team of SEO and web experts at Social Garden to deliver a technical and content audit. We provided actionable insights, recommendations, and next steps for Melbourne Polytechnic’s digital team to implement.

The strategic approach

Our approach included mapping out the admissions journey using LucidChart, outlining business and Marketo logic, building campaigns incrementally, designing and developing email templates, and conducting user acceptance testing (UAT) sessions. Marketo was the main marketing automation platform used, integrated with CiA, the client’s CRM tool.

Key optimisations in this campaign included leveraging Marketo’s webhook API as a connector between CiA and Marketo, revising email copy for clarity and urgency, and utilising Marketo personalisation features such as tokens, Velocity scripting, and segmentation-based dynamic content.

These optimisations aimed to enhance user experience and ensure that the campaigns met the client’s specifications with utmost quality.

The strategic approach

Our approach included mapping out the admissions journey using LucidChart, outlining business and Marketo logic, building campaigns incrementally, designing and developing email templates, and conducting user acceptance testing (UAT) sessions. Marketo was the main marketing automation platform used, integrated with CiA, the client’s CRM tool.

Key optimisations in this campaign included leveraging Marketo’s webhook API as a connector between CiA and Marketo, revising email copy for clarity and urgency, and utilising Marketo personalisation features such as tokens, Velocity scripting, and segmentation-based dynamic content.

These optimisations aimed to enhance user experience and ensure that the campaigns met the client’s specifications with utmost quality.

So, what did success look like?

  1. Development of automated workflows
    We implemented automated workflows in Marketo for domestic and international applicants, reducing un-submitted applications and increasing acceptance rates.
  2. Enhanced email communication
    Revamped email templates aligned with Curtin University’s brand, ensuring timely and personalised communications during the application process.
  3. A streamlined process for Curtin staff
    Automation improved staff efficiencies and reduced response time SLAs by simplifying campaign logic based on application status.
  4. Increased engagement and conversion rates
    The personalised journeys created through automation enhanced applicant engagement and conversion rates.
  5. Implemented key optimisations
    We utilised Marketo’s webhook API, revised email copy, and leveraged personalisation features to optimise campaign effectiveness.
The Student Garden team were an integral part of our project. The key resources from SG embraced this experience and were valued project members. Their willingness to respond to requests, changes and queries promptly and often pro-actively, whilst delivering high quality outcomes which contributed to the overall success of the project. Success of the project meant something to the team and they were a delight to work with.

— Sue Joubert,
Solutions Design Lead, Curtin University